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Contact Your LegislatorThe easiest way to make a difference in senior living advocacy is by getting in contact with your local legislator. It is important to do your part to make your voice heard at the State Capital to legislators that have the power to install change. Schedule a Visit…The best way to get a legislator’s attention is to schedule a meeting with them in person either at your senior living or care community or their office. By speaking face to face, you’re able to make requests more personal and explain your stance better. How to schedule a visit: During the visit: After the visit: Write a Letter…An email to your legislator is enough to make a difference and draw attention to an issue. How to write an email:
Writing tips:
Make a Phone Call…When making a phone call to your legislator its best have a list of talking points or a prepared message on hand if they do not answer. This ensures you don’t forget anything and gets them all the information they need about the issue and your stance. As always, remember to be polite and keep the call as short as possible to show you value their time. How to make a phone call to your legislator: