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Membership BenefitsLeadingAge Colorado members have access to up-to-date information, education, and member-centered programs and services. Organizations choosing to join LeadingAge Colorado, whether operators of senior living and aging services organizations or companies offering products and services to senior living and aging services organizations, are making an investment in their future of all senior living and aging services. AdvocacyLeadingAge Colorado and its National Partners provide a strong and distinct voice for Colorado senior living and aging services providers, fighting on Capitol Hill and at the Colorado Statehouse to remove barriers to care, develop new services, and improve reimbursement to make our state a better place to grow older. Professional DevelopmentOne of LeadingAge Colorado's priorities is to provide learning opportunities to equip members for the future. As such, LeadingAge Colorado offers a full array of valuable educational opportunities including an annual conference and exhibition, an assisted living conference, regulatory member calls, the 40 hour ALR online course, and distance learning opportunities through webinars and on-demand education. InformationMembers have access to a number of publications to ensure that they are up-to-date on timely professional information. Publications include 'Connecting', LeadingAge Colorado’s e-newsletter; Capitol Focus, an e-newsletter detailing key advocacy issues during the legislative session; weekly regulatory updates, and our National Partner magazines, among others. NetworkingLeadingAge Colorado members are very collaborative and willing to connect and learn from one another. Members network through a variety of media including national Listservs based on topic areas, during professional development events and conferences, or informally through the relationships forged through association activities. Technical Assistance and Business ToolsMembers have access to technical assistance from LeadingAge Colorado and its National Partners on a variety of matters including MDS Compliance, tax-exemption issues, HUD requirements and regulations, survey and certification issues, governance and board development, life safety code, among others. Senior Living and Care Provider DirectoryThis tool allows users to search for LeadingAge Colorado members by specific services, directly connecting consumers to the services members provide. Join LeadingAge Colorado today! |